流行英语口语2000句(Argument and Discussion)

Argument and Discussion

That’s beside the point

I think that's your nonsense. That's beside the point.
How dare you say that? I worked it out after much calculation.
Let's calm down and try to find a good way.

You carry it out too far

I just taught him a lesson. Nothing more.
I think you've carried it out too far. You're to blame.
Maybe it's my fault.

You haven’t leg to stand on

The whole play is a flop.
For your conclusion, you don't have a leg to stand on.
Why do you say that.
At least Rose deserves our praise.

I take you up on that

I think we should begin our tour with the Great Bell Temple. We can save a lot of time.
And the temple is very famous in China. I'll take you up on that.
Well, I think we'll gather at 8 right there.

Let’s sit down and talk things over

Don't argue aimlessly. Let's sit down and talk things over.
I think a loan is a must to solve the problem.
But I think we can raise money by ourselves.
That'd be wonderful if we can.

I think I’m at odds with you over …

I think I'm at odds with you over the supplying plan.
But it's been already approved by the boss.
Then I'll have to talk to him right away.

I don’t think you stand very much of a chance

I'm going to run for monitor of the class this term.
But I don't think you stand very much of a chance.
I'll try my best.

We must weigh the pros and cons before we make a decision

We can follow their suits. That's all.
Wait a minute. We must weigh the pros and cons before we make a decision.
I agree with you. It must be discussed carefully.
Niujie /
Categories: 学习  tagged: 英语 
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